Valencian Street Art is very famous and well-respected all over the world. This becomes first and foremost clear when you see its online presence! As a result of the fugacity of Street Art based on the atmospheric conditions and the destruction by persons and posters, the internet is one of the little places where works of Street Art can survive. But this fact should not be seen negatively. The fascination for Street Art lives on this fugacity. The beauty seems to need the danger of being destroyed.
The works which are born on big and high house walls do survive mostly for a longer time or maybe even until the “death” of their house. In contrast, the ones which see the light of day on small walls may be gone tomorrow already. Make them live forevermore – take a picture! Thanks for the new technologies!
Especially in the Barrio del Carmen, you’ll find a lot of amazing Street Artworks!
During the last Festival of the district, Mislata of Valencia, Hyuro a great, worldwide known Street Artist did the honor to Valencia of embellishing once more her walls with some really awesome works!
Like always – he impressed with his highly illustrative painted works. They are always characterized by very detailed and deft lines. His Street Artworks do commonly have a touch of surrealism and seem to come from another but fantastic world…