Registration Form

Ready to register in one of our Spanish courses? If you want to register for an Internship Program instead, follow this link.

In agreement with the established by the Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that the data retrieved from the registration form will be included in the automated file owned by ADVISERS FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS IN SPAIN SL. We further advise you that you are free to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, and objection to processing , in the terms and conditions provided for the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, writing to C/ EL BACHILLER 7 BAJO 46010 VALENCIA.
In the same way, if you accept this legal warning, you recognize that the information and personal data are faithful and true. Unless you notify us of any changes, we understand that the information provided on this application has not been modified and that you shall do so if any changes may occur.

Sending of such data implies that you have read and accepted the terms above.

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  • 10€/mes por el alquiler de tu bicicleta para reservas de un mínimo de 4 semanas y un máximo de 6 meses.
  • Para estancias superiores a 6 meses, también se podrá acceder al alquiler de bicicleta, por 25€/mes.
  • Para poder disfrutar de tu bicicleta tendrás que hacer un registro con tus datos personales y proporcionar tu número de tarjeta. 
  • El alquiler de bicicleta incluye mantenimiento y garantía antirrobo. Si se estropea o te la roban, te proporcionaremos otra sin coste adicional. Tu bici podrá dormir en la calle sin ningún problema.
  • No tendrás que abona cuota de entrada o fianza y podrás darte de baja cuando tú quieras.
  • Extras para tu bici como cesta, asiento para niños, casco o soporte para móvil disponibles. Podrás consultar el coste adicional al realizar la reserva de tu bici. 
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AIP Language Institute
¡Hola 👋🏻!

It's great to have you here! If you need any help or information, just let us know how we can be of any help. Here are some things you might be interested in:

👩🏻‍🏫 Intensive Spanish Courses
🏄🏻‍♀️ Summer Camp for Kids
📋 Exam Preparation
🚌 School Groups
👨🏻‍💻 Internships in Spain